miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
06LAPAZ417 2006-02-16 23:11 2010-12-03 21:09 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy La Paz
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 LA PAZ 000417   SIPDIS   SIPDIS   STATE FOR WHA A/S T.SHANNON AND PDAS C.SHAPIRO  STATE FOR WHA/AND P.FRENCH AND L.PETRONI  NSC FOR D.FISK  USCINCSO ALSO FOR POLAD   E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/17/2016  TAGS: PGOV PREL ECON SNAR PINR PHUM EAID BL SUBJECT: MINISTER OF PRESIDENCY ON COCA, ERADICATION, AND  BILATERAL RELATIONS   REF: LA PAZ 0406   Classified By: Ambassador David Greenlee for reasons 1.4 (B) and (D).   1. (C) Summary: Minister of the Presidency Juan Ramos de la  Quintana told the Ambassador February 15 that the GOB wanted  USG agencies to continue their programs in the Chapare,  though implementation methods may need to be modified. He  acknowledged that the GOB's counternarcotics policies were  still being formulated, but assured that the GOB's commitment  to combat the illicit drug trade would be met and that the  cocalero federations did not speak on the GOB's behalf.  Quintana said the depenalization and industrialization of  coca was a priority for President Evo Morales. The Minister  said cocaleros would be paid to eradicate coca in the  national parks while other negotiated alternatives would be  pursued with the cocalero federations. On interdiction,  Quintana asked for greater information sharing from the DEA  on organized criminal networks. When the Ambassador raised  objections about anti-U.S. rhetoric creeping into GOB  statements, the Minister blamed the Bolivian press for  distorting reality. Quintana was forthright, somewhat  confused, and suspicious of USG programs. The new GOB may or  may not be disposed ideologically to work with us; but it  certainly does not yet have the internal cohesion or  coherence to cooperate effectively. End Summary.   --------------------------------------------- ---------  FIRST MEETING WITH MINISTER OF THE PRESIDENCY QUINTANA  --------------------------------------------- ---------   2. (C) At our request, the Ambassador, DCM, and Econ/Pol  Chief met the evening of February 15 with Minister of the  Presidency Juan Ramos de la Quintana to seek clarification of  GOB policy regarding USG programs in the Chapare. Newspaper  headlines that morning carried the cocalero federations'  decision to throw out USG agencies operating in the region, a  position supported by GOB spokesman Alex Contreras (see  reftel). The Ambassador told Quintana that the federations'  statements--Evo Morales remains their titular head--and the  apparent presidential endorsement had sparked considerable  confusion about the GOB's intent. The Ambassador suggested  that if eradication is to be stopped and USG involvement in  the Chapare ended, the new policy should be communicated  officially and we could begin shutting off our multi-million  dollar assistance programs now.   3. (C) Quintana responded that he appreciated open, frank  exchanges free of entangling rhetoric and underscored the  GOB's continuing need for U.S. help on the counternarcotics  front. But, he added, that message is not being clearly  communicated because "...we do not yet have an agreement  between the GOB and all the relevant actors on this issue."  At the same time, he said the cocalero federations did not  speak on behalf of the GOB, which has a stronger commitment  than previous administrations and wants to "...break the  stigma that Bolivia protects narcotraffickers."   4. (C) In that vein, Quintana claimed the GOB had a sound  strategy to combat the illegal drug trade: compartmentalizing  the problem into "clear chapters" for greater enforcement  efficiency on the one hand, and depenalizing coca for  industrialization and commercialization on the other.  "Depenalization is a complex but necessary task because we  want coca to have commercial and industrial purposes. This  is an explicit priority for the President," he said, adding  that the GOB would meet next week with EU representatives to  discuss the terms of the demand study required for domestic  purposes. (Note: While not stated, the implication was that  the EU study should include consideration of Bolivian  domestic demand to include coca necessary for these  yet-only-imagined industrial purposes. End Note).   --------------------------------------------- -   LA PAZ 00000417 002 OF 003    A NEW APPROACH TO ERADICATION AND INTERDICTION  --------------------------------------------- -   5. (C) Quintana said the GOB would preserve the best of  previous GOB policies, including eradication, but implement  them differently. The first priority, he offered, is to  limit additional cultivation, although he added curiously  that the GOB would not strictly interpret the 3200 hectare  limit for Chapare cultivation set aside by the October 2004  agreement. He assured that eradication would continue in the  two problem areas of the Carrasco National Park and the  Yungas de Vandiola, saying that he would travel to the region  himself this weekend to meet with cocaleros, but noted that  existing military eradicators would work only in the areas  where they can proceed peacefully, with negotiation--an  open-ended concept--the rule in more conflictive zones.   6. (C) Quintana saw no change in the GOB's willingness to  cooperate with the USG on interdiction and noted that the DEA  was welcome to stay in the Chapare. The GOB's non-political  approach to interdiction was exemplified, he said, by the  non-partisan appointment of a new chief for the  counternarcotics police. The Minister asserted that these  units had committed human rights violations in the past, a  situation this GOB would not tolerate. The Ambassador  retorted that any such incidents did not involve DEA agents  and that we shared Quintana's concern about human rights.  Quintana went on to say that he was not critical of the  results obtained by interdiction efforts, but of the methods  used to obtain them. "In the past, because of the weakness  of Bolivian institutions, USG involvement appeared more like  intervention than cooperation. We ask that your cooperation  be transparent, conducted with consideration and respect."  While expressing a desire to be autonomous in their  interdiction operations, he acknowledged the need for the  USG's offer of helicopters and other equipment "in the spirit  of shared responsibility," and said the GOB had no plans to  alter the DEA's role in the drug enforcement arena.   7. (C) When the Ambassador asked what immediate changes in  the interdiction efforts were contemplated, Quintana observed  that the GOB had little understanding of how criminal  organizations operated in Bolivia. "All we get," he  complained, "are statistics on drugs intercepted and labs  destroyed, but nothing on Bolivian criminal organizations and  their links to other countries. This makes us suspicious  that the counter-narcotics efforts are not sufficiently  explained to the GOB or the Bolivian people." He also  lamented that the Bolivian anti-drug unit (FELCN) did not  have an institute to study criminal organizations. The  Ambassador replied that maintaining the integrity of  international criminal investigations was crucial but that he  would raise the issue with the DEA.   -------------------  INTELLIGENCE ISSUES  -------------------   8. (C) The Minister noted that the GOB wanted its  intelligence services to respond better to the needs of the  GOB and was suspicious of their relationship with the DEA.  (Note: Quintana associated intelligence cooperation only with  the DEA and the counternarcotics effort. End Note.) The  Minister said that he wanted "a more democratic intelligence  service" in the future. The Ambassador noted USG interest in  promoting intelligence cooperation on counter-terrorism  issues as well, given regional threats in the Tri-Border  region and elsewhere, and suggested a subsequent meeting to  discuss these issues in greater depth.   -----------------------------------------  MUTUAL DESIRE FOR CONSTRUCTIVE ENGAGEMENT  -----------------------------------------    LA PAZ 00000417 003 OF 003    9. (C) The Ambassador expressed concern about anti-U.S.  rhetoric creeping into GOB statements and policies and warned  that gratuitous insults did not encourage strong bilateral  ties. Talking about imaginary U.S. military bases in  Paraguay "as you have done publicly, Mr. Minister," does  little to build confidence. Noting the billions of U.S.  dollars of assistance in the past few decades, including the  nearly one million in disaster assistance for Bolivian flood  victims, the Ambassador observed that the USG would sometimes  appreciate a good word or thank you, something President  Morales notably forgot to offer in his conversation with  President Bush.   10. (C) While acknowledging that the GOB probably had no  intention of ratifying an Article 98 agreement, the  Ambassador asked that the GOB respect the U.S. position  without intentionally mischaracterizing it and claiming that  the U.S. sought to shield its soldiers from justice. The  issue is one of jurisdiction, not immunity, he said, and  noted that over 100 countries had signed Article 98  agreements with the U.S.   --------------------------------------------- ------  ATTACKING THE PRESS AND RE-ORIENTING USG ASSISTANCE  --------------------------------------------- ------   11. (C) Quintana, perhaps a little disingenuously, said he  shared the Ambassador's concerns about poisonous rhetoric,  but blamed the press for distorting the GOB's comments about  the U.S. He described the Bolivian press as unprofessional  and perverse because it was too closely associated with  political parties. At the same time, Quintana said the U.S.  was counterproductively omnipresent in Bolivian  institutions--an ironic exageration in view of reportedly  increasing Venezuelan and Cuban presence--and suggested that  our assistance was too dispersed to be strategically  effective. He lamented the uneven economic development  throughout the country, noting that Potosi remained in abject  poverty while Santa Cruz was developing fast "with its  radical federalist ideas," and suggested a U.S. Corps of  Engineers road project uniting the country would be a smart,  focussed investment. The Ambassador reminded Quintana that  the GOB nixed expanded military help by attacking us on  Article 98.   12. (C) Comment: Quintana seemed forthright, a little  confused, and abidingly suspicious of USG intentions. He  exposed inaccurate views about existing USG programs, a  strong ideological bent on coca, and a disturbing  disaffection with the media--particularly disturbing since  the MAS is considering laws to limit freedom of press. His  most revealing comment was that the GOB is still struggling  to clarify its policies, including on counternarcotics.  Whether the new GOB wants to work with us is an open  question; whether it can work with us is equally perplexing.  End Comment.  GREENLEE

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