miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
06LAPAZ2910 2006-10-27 13:01 2010-12-03 21:09 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy La Paz
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 05 LA PAZ 002910   SIPDIS   SIPDIS   E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/27/2016  TAGS: PARM ECON SNAR PREL PGOV BL SUBJECT: VP, AMBASSADOR DISCUSS WAYS TO IMPROVE BILATERAL  TIES    Classified By: Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d  ).   1. (C) Summary: In their first meeting since the Ambassador  presented his credentials October 13, the Ambassador and Vice  President Alvaro Garcia Linera engaged in a cordial exchange  October 26 on U.S. assistance, extension of ATPDEA benefits,  Morales' anti-American discourse, military relations and  counternarcotics. The vice president opened the meeting  warmly, saying that his recent visit to a USAID fair had  provided him with a valuable education about U.S. assistance  in Bolivia. With respect to President Bush's announcement in  support of an ATPDEA extension for the region, the vice  president said the GOB is "very happy and grateful" for this  "friendly sign" from the United States. The Ambassador told  Garcia Linera that the best way forward for the GOB would be  to not only lower, but to improve, its public discourse  toward the United States. The Ambassador also cautioned  Garcia Linera that Bolivia's relationships with other  countries have consequences. The vice president said he  hoped the Ambassador would rely on him as an "instant  messenger" for any communications with the GOB in order to  avoid missteps in the relationship. On mil-mil relations,  Garcia Linera said he hoped to remove the F-10  counterterrorism matter and the MANPADS issue from the  bilateral agenda, although he said the missiles transfer  would continue to be an internal issue. On counternarcotics,  the Ambassador said that voluntary eradication is ideal, but  said that the GOB would have to show quick results.  Following the meeting, the Ambassador and the vice president  held a joint press conference, the first of its kind since  Morales took office in January. Despite the recent ups and  downs in the bilateral relationship, Garcia Linera appeared  to be putting on his best face for the Ambassador. End  summary.   -------------------------------------  U.S. ASSISTANCE: A PLEASANT SURPRISE  -------------------------------------   2. (C) The vice president opened the meeting warmly, saying  that while he had been familiar with the amount of U.S.  assistance, his visit to a recent USAID fair had provided him  with a valuable education about its "characteristics."  Garcia Linera was particularly impressed with USAID's  microenterprise and agricultural assistance, which he said  directly help many poor Bolivians. Garcia Linera also noted  the Ambassador's October 25 book and equipment donations in  the Altiplano. The Ambassador said he hopes to continue  traveling in order to demonstrate our desire to assist  Bolivians with their development efforts, as well as to  improve Bolivians' understanding of the United States. He  expressed concern that many Bolivians' image of the United  States is outdated, and that we are in fact a very dynamic  country that understands well the struggle to overcome  social, political and economic exclusion.   --------------------------------------------- ------  U.S. EXECUTIVE BRANCH SUPPORT FOR ATPDEA EXTENSION  --------------------------------------------- ------   3. (C) With respect to President Bush's announcement in  support of an ATPDEA extension for the region, the vice  president said the GOB is "very happy and grateful" for this  "friendly sign" from the United States. The Ambassador  complimented the vice president's October 25 comments on  ATPDEA, saying that he was prudent to caution the Bolivian  people that the matter will be decided by the U.S. Congress.  The Ambassador told the vice president that President Bush's  support is an example of our desire to improve relations with  Bolivia. Garcia Linera stressed that in the absence of free  trade negotiations, ATPDEA is of critical importance to  Bolivia. The vice president acknowledged former Ambassador   LA PAZ 00002910 002 OF 005    Greenlee's advice to the GOB on ATPDEA, saying that he hoped  that the Ambassador would continue in the same vein.   ---------------------------------------------  REINFORCING THE MESSAGE: PLEASE LOWER THE TONE  ---------------------------------------------   4. (C) The Ambassador told Garcia Linera that the best way  forward for the GOB would be to not only lower, but to  improve, its public discourse toward the United States. He  cautioned that President Morales' anti-American remarks may  damage Bolivia's chances for an ATPDEA extension. The  Ambassador explained that before his arrival at post, he  participated in counternarcotics certification conversations,  in which he said there were serious questions about  recertifying Bolivia. If we hadn't certified, the Ambassador  said, we wouldn't be talking about an ATPDEA extension now.  The Ambassador told the vice president that he offered the  president, the minister of the presidency and the foreign  minister the same counsel-- that the GOB needs to lower its  tone. He said the USG cannot compartmentalize its foreign  policy, but looks at the overall relationship. The  Ambassador said that by accusing the USG and the Embassy of  conspiracy and assassination attempts, the GOB had fallen  well below the accepted norms of diplomatic and political  discourse.   5. (C) Garcia Linera attempted to defend Morales'  anti-American rhetoric, saying that the president's history  with the United States was one of "distance and conflict."  He said the GOB wants to turn the page but that "the history  is still there," although "each time less." The vice  president said the GOB wants to close the era of mistrust  definitively, saying that Morales' trip to the United States  for the United Nations General Assembly was a big step  forward in this regard. He said the trip enabled Morales to  see the "human" side of our country, and that it was  important for Morales to see the United States as an open,  pluralistic society. He said the president was "excited"  when he returned, energized by the personal contact with  Americans he had had in the United States. The vice  president said he "celebrated" Morales' trip and described  the bilateral relationship following it as "closer,  friendlier." Garcia Linera said he hopes that Morales will  visit the United States again soon. The visit aside, Garcia  Linera said he could not "guarantee" that Morales would not  suffer a rhetorical relapse, but promised to try. He said  that he had asked Ambassador Greenlee for a "good dose of  patience" and asked Ambassador Goldberg for the same as a  "very personal request." Garcia Linera said the GOB is "not  looking for confrontation or tension." He said that once in  a while, "fissures will open, things surface, but we want to  expand and improve relations."   ------------------------------  CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS CAREFULLY  ------------------------------   6. (C) Along the same lines, the Ambassador cautioned Garcia  Linera that Bolivia's relationship with other countries may  have consequences. He said Bolivia's relations are Bolivia's  business, but that the GOB should be aware that they can  impact its relations with other countries, including the  United States. The Ambassador offered the example of a  recent anti-American speech by the Venezuelan ambassador,  with Morales at his side. The Ambassador added that no one in  the diplomatic corps seems to have met the Venezuelan  ambassador, a signal that raises questions about the  Venezuelan's activities here. Garcia Linera said he  understood and said "we don't need" those consequences.  Likewise, the Ambassador suggested that the GOB be careful  not to interfere in the democratic processes of neighboring  countries, citing a press report that Morales and Ecuador's   LA PAZ 00002910 003 OF 005    "legitimate president" Rafael Correa would speak at an  October 26 event supporting Bolivia's "revolution" (septel).  The Ambassador said respect for Ecuador's democratic process  could only help Bolivia's international image. Garcia Linera  appeared to take the Ambassador's comment on board,  responding that the GOB was not funding the conference.   -------------------  YOU CAN TALK TO ME  -------------------   7. (C) The vice president said he hoped the Ambassador would  rely on him as an "instant messenger" for any communications  with the GOB in order to avoid missteps in the relationship.  Garcia Linera said, "Don't doubt me as a channel for  anything." He encouraged the Ambassador to pass him  criticisms and observations, and to call him at any hour or  to ask for a meeting with him or the president on short  notice. Garcia Linera referred to a recent GOB experience  with bad intelligence (presumably on the subject of U.S.  students in Bolivia whom the GOB alleged were undercover U.S.  military operatives), saying that if a similar situation  presents itself, the president would like to call the  Ambassador to confirm the information. Garcia Linera  lamented that at the time of that incident, the GOB "didn't  have a bridge" to the Embassy, leading the president to keep  the information to himself and then to speak about it  publicly. Garcia Linera admitted that was "their mistake" and  that they have to work against susceptibility to certain  types of information.   8. (C) The Ambassador thanked the vice president for his  offer and agreed to contact him with any questions or  concerns. He also encouraged Garcia Linera to call him,  particularly before publicly accusing the USG of any  wrongdoing. The Ambassador stressed that the USG has not  reacted publicly to Morales' accusations because of our  desire to improve relations. In turn, Garcia Linera said he  would welcome the Ambassador's counsel on how the GOB could  improve the bilateral relationship. The vice president  admitted the GOB had been skeptical about former Ambassador  Greenlee's advice in this regard--and had even debated about  whether Greenlee's advice was good. Garcia Linera said in  the end, they had accepted the Embassy's advice in good faith  and had been pleasantly surprised.   -------------------------------------------  MILITARY RELATIONS: VP WANTS TO STRENGTHEN  -------------------------------------------   9. (C) In response to the Ambassador's stated desire to  improve mil-mil relations (despite Article 98 restrictions),  Garcia Linera said he hoped to remove the F-10  counterterrorism matter and the MANPADS issue from the  bilateral agenda, although he said the missiles transfer  would continue to be an internal issue. Garcia Linera said  Bolivian forces are no longer using the F-10 arms and that  plans are underway to transfer them to permit U.S access.  The Ambassador said he was optimistic about resolving that  issue and hoped that we could do the same with the missiles  transfer, despite the political complexities of that issue.  Garcia Linera said that while he understands the U.S.  position, the pending "internal investigation" of President  Rodriguez and other GOB officials would not be resolved  quickly.   10. (C) The Ambassador also said that we would like to do  more in the area of military education and exchanges. Garcia  Linera welcomed the overture, adding that he would like to  take up the full range of military cooperation prohibited by  Article 98 later. The Ambassador gently reminded Garcia  Linera that the GOB should ratify the agreement so they could  give him access. Finally, Garcia Linera expressed great   LA PAZ 00002910 004 OF 005    interest in the milgroup's New Horizons exercise planned for  2007, as well as other civil works. The Ambassador explained  that we are asking the GOB to sign a new Status of Forces  Agreement to make such projects possible, and that we have  already raised the subject with the ministries of defense,  presidency and foreign relations.   -------------------------------------------  COUNTERNARCOTICS: AN INITIAL CONVERSATION  -------------------------------------------   11. (C) On counternarcotics, the Ambassador said of course  the USG would like to see the GOB's voluntary eradication  program work, but said the GOB would have to show quick  results. The Ambassador said that while he realized coca is  a sensitive topic domestically, it is in both countries'  interest to work together to fight drug trafficking. He told  Garcia Linera that it would be impossible for the USG to  support the GOB's coca ideology (e.g. industrialization and  legalization), suggesting instead that the two governments  focus on their common interest in stopping the flow of drugs.  He also told the vice president that President Morales'  ill-informed statements on U.S. drug use were not helpful.  The Ambassador told Garcia Linera that the United States has  worked hard to lower drug consumption, but that consumption  is up in Europe and is a growing problem in Brazil and  Bolivia. Garcia Linera described eradication as  "complicated," but noted that the Morales government is  eradicating in many new areas. Garcia Linera made a subtle  pitch for increased U.S. counternarcotics assistance, saying  the GOB needs additional eradicators. If not, he said, we  will see an increase in narcotrafficking. The Ambassador  suggested they discuss counternarcotics strategies in depth  soon, and noted that the October 28 arrival of INL Deputy  Assistant Secretary Christy McCampbell would present an  immediate opportunity for further dialogue.   -----------------------  A UNITED PUBLIC FRONT  -----------------------   12. (C) Following the meeting, the Ambassador and the vice  president held a joint press conference at the Ambassador's  urging, the first of its kind since Morales took office in  January. Like the meeting, the tone of the press conference  was warm. The vice president publicly thanked the Ambassador  for his visit, describing it as "cordial." Garcia Linera  said he and the Ambassador had discussed "steps forward" on  many issues of mutual interest, and cited the GOB's will and  his own personal commitment to "expand and improve" relations  with the United States, particularly in order to promote  democracy and fight poverty and drug trafficking.   --------------------------------  COMMENT: STARTING A NEW CHAPTER  --------------------------------   13. (C) Despite the recent ups and downs in the bilateral  relationship, Garcia Linera appeared to be putting on his  best face for the Ambassador. During the hour-long meeting,  the two talked about the president's birthday (October 26),  which a crowd of supporters commemorated with fireworks  (causing an occasional noisy interruption to the otherwise  smooth conversation) and a toy donation ceremony for Bolivian  children. (Note: Garcia Linera said the president was  delighted to give the children toys because he had played  with sheep bones as a child in eocnomically-depressed Oruro.  End note). Garcia Linera seemed relaxed and pleased to start  anew with the USG, even responding to the Ambassador's  invitation to use first names by telling the Ambassador to  "call me Alvaro." Garcia Linera said he had been very  attentive to Ambassador Goldberg's words and gestures since  he arrived, implying his approval of his new interlocutor.   LA PAZ 00002910 005 OF 005    End comment.  GOLDBERG

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